On a typical visit, after you have completed the registration process, you will be prepared for the doctor’s exam by first seeing the technician, who will:
After the technician completes the initial data entry and workup, the doctor will:
As you can tell, there can be quite a lot to do during your visit, and coordinating all of these tasks for each patient between the physician and technician can challenge any model of efficiency. This is especially true in the setting of multiple patients with several complex eye and general health conditions, some of whom may come in with unexpected problems which require more time to manage.
That said, we will do our best to start your exam as close as possible to your appointment time, but please expect to be with us up to 1-2 hours if you are a returning patient, especially if you are having any testing before seeing the doctor, and 2-3 hours if you are a new patient. Patients coming for procedures including laser procedures can expect a 2-3 hour office stay.
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